Spokane Art Camps
Spokane Ballet Studio Summer Camps
112 S Adams St, Spokane, WA 99201
Sara Donally
Ph: (509) 714-3690
Email: spokaneballetstudio@gmail.com
Website: SpokaneBalletStudio.com
Spokane Ballet Studio is committed to teaching the art of ballet for
ages 3 and up. We teach ballet in a way that provides
students with proper classical technique and the drive to improve. |
Gonzaga University Summer Dance Intensive
502 E Boone Ave, Spokane, WA 99258
Contact: Pam Erickson
Ph: (509) 313-6508
Email: erickson@gonzaga.edu
Website: Gonzaga.edu |
Get Sewing
1725 E Bridgeport Ave, Spokane, WA 99207S
Contact: Elizabeth Pike
Ph: (509) 217-7049
Email: letsgetsewing@gmaiil.com
Website: LetsGetSewingSpokane.com
Sandra's Studio of Dance Summer Camps
304 W 7th Ave, Spokane, WA 99204
Contact: Sandra Olgard
Ph: (509) 838-7464
Email: spokanestudioofdance@gmail.com
Website: SandraOlgardsStudioOfDance.com
Center of Spokane Summer Camps
1407 E 57th, Spokane, WA 99223
Contact: Kari Vedvick
Ph: (509) 448-2464
Email: director@dancecenterorspokane.com
Website: DanceCenterOfSpokane.com
Ballet Arts Academy Summer Camps
109 W Pacific Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Contact: Mimi Ewers
Ph: (509) 838-5705
Email: contact@balletartsacademy.com
Website: BalletArtsAcademy.com
Athletic Center Summer Camps
5512 N Havana, Spokane, WA 99217
Contact: Adana Harris
Ph: (509) 489-5867
Email: frontdesk@dynamicathleticcenter.org
Website: DynamicAthleticCenter.org
Maressa's Spokane Dance School
9411 E 1st St, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Contact: Maressa Dirks
Ph: (509) 599-4048
Email: maressasdance@gmail.com
Website: MaressasDance.com |
View Gymnastics Summer Camps
1100 S Garfield Suite B, Airway Heights, WA
Contact: Coach Rachael
Ph: (509) 244-7061
Email: mvgymnasticsteam@gmail.com
Website: MVGymnastics.com
Spirit UCA Cheer Camp
334 W Spokane Falls Blvd, Spokane, WA 99201
Contact: Dawn Calitri
Ph: (800) 533-8022
Email: vcustomerservice@varsity.com
Website: Varsity.com |
Spokane Sports Camps
Ninja Nation Summer Camp
8016 N Division St, Spokane, WA 99208
Phone: (509) 606-5991
Email: nn0601@ninjanation.com
Website:www.Spokane.NinjaNation.com |
Ninja Camp is the ultimate day camp filled with fun. Ninja Camp features professional instruction on obstacles, games, team-building exercises, and competitions. Lunch and snacks are provided. |
Premier Mitts Summer Camps
407 E Elto, Spokane, WA 99208
Coach Kenny Eilmes
Ph: (509) 863-4605
Email: kenny@premiermitts.com
Website: PremierMitts.com |
Developing the best infielders in our region since 2008! A camp for
athletes who aspire to play baseball beyond high school. This is the
place to be if your son wants to seriously get better at baseball.
Athletic Center Summer Camps
5512 N Havana, Spokane, WA 99217
Contact: Adana Harris
Ph: (509) 489-5867
Email: frontdesk@dynamicathleticcenter.org
Website: DynamicAthleticCenter.org |
Skyhawks Soccer Summer Camps
3737 E 5th Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Contact: Jason Frazier
Ph: (800) 804-3509
Email: jfrazier@skyhawks.com
Website: Skyhawks.com |
Varsity Academy - NBC Basketball Camps
800 N Hamilton St, Spokane, WA 99202
Contact: John Fazio
Ph: (509) 232-6493
Email: nbc@nbccamps.com
Website: NBCCamps.com |
The Warehouse Camps
800 N Hamilton St, Spokane, WA 99202
Contact: Alex Cusick
Ph: (509) 484-2670
Email: alex@warehouseathletics.com
Website: WarehouseAthletics.com |
Sports Summer Camps
18915 E Appleway, Spokane, WA 99016
Contact: Tom Emery
Ph: (509) 824-6176
Email: info@itzsportsperformance.com
Website: ItzSportsPerformance.com |
Tennis Summer Camps
601 W 29th, Spokane, WA 99205
Contact: Randy Webber
Ph: (503) 718-3330
Email: info@rectennis.com
Website: RecTennis.com |
Spokane Gymnastics Summer Camps
2515 N Locust Rd, Spokane, WA 99206
Contact: Nadine Burgess
Ph: (509) 533-9646
Email: nadine@spokanegymnastics.com
Website: SpokaneGymnastics.com |
US Sports Camps Nike Baseball Summer Camps
300 W Hawthorne Rd, Spokane, WA 99251
Contact: CJ Perry
Ph: (800) 645-3326
Email: info@ussportscamp.com
Website: USSportsCamps.com |
SYSA Sports Camps
800 N Hamilton Suite 201, Spokane, WA 99202
Contact: Randy Schwaegler
Ph: (509) 279-2647
Email: randy@sysa.com
Website: SYSA.com |
Spokane Academic
Bloom Coaching Summer Camps
Spokane-Couer d'Alene area
Molly Kreyssler
Ph: (406) 533-5582
Email: molly@youandibloom.com
Website: YouAndIBloom.com |
Camp will take students from overwhelmed to relieved. Consider it
summer camp, with purpose. SAT Prep, College Application Camp &
Education Coaching. |
Gonzaga Prep School Camps
1224 E Euclid, Spokane, WA 99207
Contact: Angie Feran
Ph: (509) 483-8511
Email: attendance@gprep.com
Website: GPrep.com |
Lingo Spanish Camp
1317 E 12th Ave, Spokane, WA 99202
Contact: Jasmine Linane-Booey
Ph: (509) 953-1175
Email: leolingoteam@gmail.com
Website: DanceTheatreNW.com |
Whitworth University Camp Metamorphosis
300 W Hawthorne, Spokane, WA 99251
Contact: Rebecca O'Brien
Ph: (509) 777-3222
Email: rebeccaobrien@whiteworth.edu
Website: Whitworth.edu |
Camp at EWU
317B Williiamson Hall, Cheney, WA 99004
Contact: Dr. Bruce Mitchell
Ph: (509) 359-7924
Email: satoricamp@ewu.edu
Website: Inside.EWU.edu |
George's School Summer Camps
2929 W Waikiki Rd, Spokane, WA 99208
Contact: Rick Petrini
Ph: (509) 466-1636
Email: rick.petrini@sgs.org
Website: SGS.org |
Spokane County Library District Summer Camps
Multiple locations in Spokane
Contact: Jane Baker
Ph: (509) 893-8200
Email: info@scld.com
Website: SCLD.org |
Spokane Specialty
Camp Fire
409 N Argonne Rd, Suite B, Spokane Valley, WA 99212
Contact: Pamela Norr
Ph: (509) 747-6191
Email: campfire@campfireinc.org
Website: CampFireInc.org
Camp Dart-Lo is conveniently located near Spokane but feels remote with
51 acres & 2 outdoor pools. Campers ages Pre-K through 8th can
explore the rustic outdoors and still be home for dinner! |
YMCA Camp Reed
1126 N Monroe, Spokane, WA 99201
Contact: Carly "Calypso" Garras
Ph: (509) 777-9622
Email: campreed@ymcainw.org
Website: YMCAINW.org
Discovery Group Robots Summer Camps
411 S. Washington St, Spokane, WA 99204
Contact: Lorna Kropp
Email: molly.z@comcast.net
Website: DiscoveryRobots.org
Camp Gifford
3846 N Deer Lake Rd, Lorn Lake, WA 99148
Contact: Daniel Tollerud
Ph: (509) 233-2511
Email: Ashley.Cunningham@usw.salvationarmy.org
Website: CampGifford.com
Spokane NeYc Summer Camps
3004 E Queen Ave, Spokane, WA 99217
Contact: Sheila Geraghty
Ph: (509) 482-0708
Email: info@spokaneneyc.org
Website: SpokaneNeYc.com
Elite Gaming Company Summer Camps
15312 E Sprague Ave, Suite C, Spokane Valley, WA 99037
Contact: Michelle Michalski
Ph: (509) 306-4313
Email: elitegc1337@gmail.com
Website: EliteGamingCompany.com
City of Spokane Parks and Rec. Summer Camps
Multiple locations around Spokane
Contact: Garrett Jones
Ph: (509) 625-6200
Email: parks@spokanecity.org
Website: secure.rec1.com
Camp Journey at Ross Point
PO Box 19125, Spokane, WA 99219
Contact: Kari Allen
Ph: (509)312-9825
Email: belnda@campjourneynw.org
Website: CampJourneyNW.org
90 Plus Project Summer Camps
518 W 3rd Ave, Spokane, WA 99201
Contact: Stefan Andersson
Ph: (509) 720-3302
Email: admin@90plusproject.org
Website: 90PlusProject.org